The Sangamon County Water Reclamation District
(SCWRD) was organized under the Illinois Sanitary District Act of 1917. It
was formed in 1924 and at that time was known as the Springfield Sanitary
District. In 1986 the name was changed to the Springfield Metro Sanitary
District and the name was subsequently changed to the Sangamon County Water
Reclamation District in 2016.
Prior to 1929 there were no treatment
plants in the area and raw sewage flowed into the various ditches, creeks
and rivers in the area. This of course made for some rather unpleasant
conditions and placed the drinking water supply at risk. In 1924 a bond
referendum was passed to build a collection system and treatment plant.
Construction began in June of 1925 and by 1929 the collection system and the
Spring Creek plant were operating and treating sewage.
As the
community has grown, so have the challenges which face the District. The
District has met those challenges and continues to grow with the community.
In 1973 a second treatment plant, Sugar Creek, was brought on line to serve
the needs of the area. Since its original construction the District has made
over $185 million dollars in capital improvements. Currently the District
serves over 150,000 people in the Springfield metro area and includes the
communities of Chatham, Grandview, Jerome, Leland Grove, Rochester, Sherman
and Southern View.
2022 Sangamon County
Multi-Jurisdictional Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan Update.
The Sangamon County Water Reclamation
District is participating in the 2022 Sangamon County
Multi-Jurisdictional Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan Update. If
you would like to participate in the process, please see the
information and survey below:
Dear Survey Participant,
We hope you will take a few minutes to
complete the survey linked below for the 2022 Sangamon County
Multi-Jurisdictional Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan Update. This is
a multiple community effort with participants representing
governmental entities, not-for-profit organizations, and other
community groups. The survey requests your input regarding your
experiences with natural hazards like floods, tornadoes, severe
storms, and winter storms. This feedback will be used in the plan
update and is helpful because it makes our communities and Sangamon
County stronger. The survey works best in Chrome, Firefox, or Safari
web browsers or by copying the link into Google. Thank you in
advance for your participation.
Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Community Survey
Regional Planning Commission
Links to the Sangamon County Draft Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan.